Grace Rugen
mostly served as tutors for children of the rich. Plato on the other hand, decided to follow a strange semi-homeless man named Socrates around as he annoyed people with a battery of questions that were carefully designed to reveal that they didn’t know what they were talking about. His parents weren’t very happy about this decision, as you can imagine, but he would be responsible for creating the foundation of philosophical thought as we now know it. Plato was the first to ask many of the questions that philosophers would be obsessed with for the next couple thousand years. What follows is the main points of Plato’s philosophy put simp
There were philosophers before Plato but they mostly served as tutors for children of the rich. Plato on the other hand, decided to follow a strange semi-homeless man named Socrates around as he annoyed people with a battery of questions that were carefully designed to reveal that they didn’t know what they were talking about. His parents weren’t very happy about this decision, as you can imagine, but he would be responsible for creating the foundation of philosophical t